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WIP | Rose Colored Memories (update)

 Kylie held her breath as she listened to the truck door slam closed, then to heavy footsteps on the porch. The moan of the old hinges made Kylie shudder as Vincent stepped inside, “What the hell!? Why didn’t you lock the door!?”, Kylie whispered. “I was in a hurry.”, Rob responded. “Come out, Come out wherever you are!”, Vincent teased. “Look, I know you’re here- I know that is your blue Coupe Ute out front there.”, Vincent shouted as he made his way through the two bedrooms and kitchen; slamming and slinging things as he went. “That was a hell of a stunt you pulled off, running off with that little weasel, taking me money….making me mourn for you!”, Vincent shouted. With every glass that broke Kylie jumped and became more anxious, as Vincent neared the basement door Rob motioned for Kylie to go over to the window and climb out. Alarmed Kylie walked over to the wobbly old two foot by four foot table that was set against the cinder block wall, slowly climbed on top.

The loud calamity of Vincent kicking in the basement door caused Kylie to lose her footing and tumble over. Rob rushed over to help her out the window, as Vincent seized the last step of the stairwell, Rob pulled himself up and out the window; the table tittered then fell. The sound of the Jeep starting sent Vincent running back up the stairs, he made it to the front door to see Rob and Kylie flying off down the driveway. He pulls out his cell phone and calls up his accomplice. “hey Tony, you’ve got company headin’ your way, mate.”, Vincent said as he climbed into his truck. “Ah, no worries Vince. I’ve got this.”, Tony replied as he pulled his own truck across the drive; Vincent ended the call then headed out. “So, what money is he talking about Kylie?”, Rob yelled over the roaring motor as he flew down the drive. “Me… I am the money.”, Kylie responded. “What in the hell are you talking about?”, Rob questioned. “Look, there is a lot that you don’t know about me Rob….”, Kylie confessed. “Like what?”, Rob asked. “Like for instance, I used to, I mean,  lived on the streets….”, Kylie exclaimed. “So what you owe him a big drug debt or something?”, Rob questioned not perceiving Tony’s truck that is parked across the drive way. “Look OUT!”, Kylie shouted as Rob slammed on his breaks, the tires slid on the loose gravels as the Jeep plowed into the pickup truck. The air bag deploying knocked Rob unconscious. Infuriated Tony walks around the wreck and grabbed Kylie by her hair jerking her out of the Jeep. Kylie screamed in pain, as Tony lifts her chin in the air. “Let go of me Tony!”, Kylie shouted furiously. “Give us a kiss love.”, Tony said as he licked her cheek, Kylie spit in his face. “You stupid bitch.”, Tony said then using the handle of his gun struck Kylie in her face. The sheer force broke the skin, Vincent rounds the bend just in time to see Tony let go and Kylie fall to the ground in agony. Moments later Vincent scoops Kylie up, “What the fuck?”, Vincent demanded to Tony. “You broke her fucking nose!?”, Vincent continued. “No, Vince. The wreck did it.”, Tony explained. “Nah mate. I saw ya.”, Vincent snarled. “you okay love?”, he continued to Kylie. “Please, Vincent, Let me go.”, Kylie whined out. “Let you go?”, Vincent chuckled. “Look, I will spare lover boy his life.”, Vincent said as he shuffled Kylie towards his truck. “Ay!? What ‘bout me truck Vince!?”, Tony shouted out. “Take the tags, scratch off the vin numbas and hurry up.”, Vincent responded as he loaded Kylie.
